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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Home School Scare........

So many of you have asked about the recent court ruling in California that hit the news stating that all home school children in California are required to have credentialed teachers.

As you can imagine, this ruling was followed by immediate negative responses, not only from the families of the 166,000 home schooled children, but also from the private christian schools as well.

We were told by our home school legal representation that this would not hold up, but we still had some worries, since we do live in "California."

However, this was just released that gives us home school families some reassurance.

SACRAMENTO - State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell announced today that the California Department of Education has completed a legal review of the February28 California Court of Appeal ruling regarding home schooling.

O'Connell issued the following statement: "I have reviewed this case, and I want to assure parents that chose to home school that California Department of Education policy will not change in any way as a result of this ruling.

Parents still have the right to
home school in our state.

Every child in our state has a legal right to get an education, and I want every child to get an education that will prepare them for success in college and the world of work in the challenging global economy.

As the head of California's public school system, I hope that every parent would want to send their children to public school.

However, traditional public schools
may not be the best fit for every student. ....

Thanks be to God, that we are not required to send our children into an institutional setting where they are required to relentlessly be indoctrinated with rhetoric that is clearly in opposition to our beliefs and to our idea of what the our world is and should always remain to be.......

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