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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Am I A "Mr Rogers?"

The other day a nurse that works for me

referred to me as "Mr. Rogers."

Do you remember Mr. Rogers, the PBS Children's show?

"Wont you be...Wont you be...Wont you be my Neighbor"

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At first I was a little troubled by the comment.

I thought to myself,

"That Nerd, she can't be referring to me as him, I'm Cool....."

Well, my wife often reminds me that I am only cool in my own mind....and I'm not 18 anymore and haven't been for many years.

But anyway, The more I thought about it, It really was a compliment.

What is being cool anyway? I think what she really was referring to is that I care about other people. She believes that I try to see the good in everyone, and try to see what is good in life and build upon it.

I am not sure if you remember the children's show or not, but Mr. Rogers had many friends, he loved them all and they loved him. He was always identifying the good qualities in others and was a very happy person. He seemed to have a balanced life that included work, play, friendships, and hobbies.

The more I think about it, Mr. Rogers was a pretty cool guy.

Thanks Elane for the nice compliment, I was just kidding about the "You're Fired" Thing.

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