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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Simplicity - Life's true meaning

I spend most of days in a mental hospital surrounded by such special, but yet such simply human beings.

Many of the clients do not own anything beyond the clothes that they wear and maybe one or two extra outfits, one pair of shoes, and live on a few dollars a week.

Yet so often, one client will approach another client and ask if they can borrow a quarter to buy a piece of candy, and the client freely gives up her last quarter, knowing that she will not have any money for at least a week or two.

I am so amazed how freely the special people give all that they own away.
Do they know something that many of us don't?
I truly believe so.
They do not worry about keeping up with the Jones, or trying to impress others, they are only trying to get through life, surviving their burdens, their illness, their trials. They often do not have time to judge others, they are constantly reminded of their own faults.
Be it their constant hallucinations and voices that they can rarely tell the difference between them being a reality or not, or a paranoia that they know on some level is not realistic, yet they feel frightened that the FBI or a person from another planet is coming to kill them.
We become so caught up in the nonsense of the world, we often forget about the simple things in life that mean so much; To really only want to feel wanted, to feel loved, to feel cared for.
I am often reminded of my mother's death from last October, When she was in the last few weeks of her life, nothing mattered more than her family, her love for us, and our love for her. What in the world would money and possessions have to do with that.......
Thank God, my parents knew something that many other people often forget,
Life is all about relationships, love, friendships, and our faith.
Nothing else matters......

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