Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Temptation is like a mean dog on a chain

Temptation is like a mean dog on a chain.

The dog is unable to hurt you, get to you, or harm you in anyway,


you get toooo close.

Walking toward temptation places you in harms way, learning the discipline of staying away from and avoiding your unique temptations, will keep you out of reach of the evil one.

Not allowing the devil access, by staying away from him, will only help you to live a holy and virtuous life.

The evil one has no power unless you walk toward evil, toward temptations, and allow him into your life through your weakness.

The devil has studies your weaknesses, so what?

As long as you know your weaknesses and avoid situations in which the evil one can tempt you, So What........

He (The Devil) isn't really so powerful, just rotten and void of anything good,

just stay away from him.

1 comment:

Deacon John said...

Funny thing as I was just reading a letter to Padre Pio from Padre Benedetto about this same subject: Satan. I have my temptations like everyone else but sometimes we wonder what we did to deserve them. Well here's an answer, for me at least:
To Padre Pio,
"Let Satan make war on you; let him make an uproar; let him threaten at times to swallow you up. No matter, he can do nothing against your soul which God has by this time clasped to Himself and secretly sustains by His grace. Rejoice, my son, for I am telling you the truth: Do not consider that you are suffering in reparation for sins committed . . . Moreover, if you have offered yourself with Jesus as a victim for the world's sinners, what else can you expect but to be treated as Jesus was?"
How come I always forget that I offer myself every morning as a victim soul united with the Holy Eucharist in the hands of the priest? But I'm always happy when the temptations are gone!
Deacon John (Florida)