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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Son Started College Today

Well, sort of started college.
My son Sean is only fourteen, and it is not uncommon in Home School to have your children begin to take classes at the local college when they are ready.

Sean, along with two of his home school friends (David and Jake) signed up and are taking a math class at the college.

After singing up for the class, Sean turned to his mother and said, "That is all you have to do to go to college," meaning that signing up for a class is pretty simple.

I don't know what he expected, but he is off and running.

Good luck Sean, and tell those college girls that you are only 14 years old........
and not allowed to date.

1 comment:

Lizzy K said...

hey -- great minds think alike AGAIN... we both blogged about Sean's college class...PROUD PARENTS, FOR SURE!