Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, August 16, 2008


Liz and I heard of this great place for a possible mission trip in Honduras and we applied thinking that we would be accepted, and already started to make plans, at least in our minds, for a 30 day mission trip to Honduras....when I received an e-mail stating that they were not set-up to accept families.
I immediately thought....well, they just don't know our family, we are easy, we are not new to mission trips, our kids are not like most kids.......but then I thought, doesn't that sound just like an American.....what entitlement. "No" means "No."

I immediately thought that Honduras wasn't in God's plan.
In the rejection e-mail (actually it was a very nice, considerate, and honest letter) we were referred to two other resources for Family Mission trips:

The Family Mission Company

Catholic Family Mission

They both seem like great organizations, so I e-mailed them and will wait for a reply.

I am not sure where God will take us next:

Mexico, Honduras, Africa, China, India ???????

I have been experiencing an ever-growing desire to be a long-term missionary (with my familiy of course), as you can imagine, that is a huge discernment, not only for me but for the whole family.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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