Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mass Intercessions (Prayers of the Faithful) Holy Family Sunday

Date: 12-28-08 (Holy Family)

Eternal Father, you entrusted to Mary and Joseph the life of your child, Jesus. Strengthen all parents and children in the bonds of love, peace, and faith.

We Pray To The Lord

Creator of life, make your church a fruitful vine to all who are reborn in the living waters of baptism. May we find ourselves continually nourished and refreshed at the table of Christ’s body and blood.

We Pray To The Lord

Consoler of the afflicted, sustain the homeless and the abandoned. Protect the widow, the widower, the orphan, and the soldier. Comfort those who have aborted a child and now realize the gravity of the act and suffer in tremendous guilt.

We Pray To The Lord

God of love, like a mother you nourish us with your grace. Quicken in us the seed of Christ’s word, that we might reveal his life to the whole human family.

We Pray To The Lord

May we pray and remember before God all those who have departed this earth,
That their time in purgatory be brief, and that they promptly join the Communion of Saints.

We Pray To The Lord

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Deacon!

Thank you for these beautiful prayers of the faithful! I will use them in my parish this year, if I may. The suggested ones we get are so "empty" and happy-clappy, if you know what I mean!

God bless you!