Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Music, Family and Friends..... What A Great Night

We grabbed the kids, My brother, his daughter, and a friend, then within minutes we were at the concert. We rocked out with the 'Thirsting."
Click here to listen to their music, they are really good.

This is their lead singer.....He also gave a great testimony about life and his devotion to the rosary. He started to pray the rosary everyday at the age of 16.
Did I say they are "Catholics."
Click here to check out their web site.

We worked up such an appetite that we just had to make a stop for ice cream at Leatherby's.
Have you ever had a Leatherby's Ice Cream? They don't make a small!
What a great night......

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