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Friday, September 11, 2009

Man Gunned Down for his PRO-Life Belief! (A Modern Day Martyr)

Jim Pouillon was known as the sign guy by residents of this otherwise sleepy local community 45 minutes northeast of Lansing, Michigan.

But Pouillon was shot Friday morning as he did what he did best -- hold his pro-life sign outside of a local high school letting students and teachers know some of their peers are missing.

Cal Zastrow, a longtime pro-life advocate in Michigan knew Pouillon well, calling him a "close friend" and said he "got his martyr's crown this morning" after suffering multiple gunshots and claimed his life. "I talked to him on the phone this week and prayed with him before he went out to Owosso High School to minister," he said.

While Pouillon was active in protesting abortion -- and his death will bring up the issue of abortion and violence again in the wake of the shooting of late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller -- he always condemned violence as a solution to the violence of abortion.
"Jim was completely non-violent and he condemned violence," Zastrow said.
Judy Climer, president of Flint Right to Life, described Pouillon to the Flint Journal newspaper as "just a nice, elderly gentleman who was disabled, used an oxygen tank and wore leg braces."
Climber said he would regularly visit abortion businesses in Flint and Saginaw to pray and hold pro-life signs.
"I knew him very well. He told me one time God put in his heart a passion for the little babies that have the right to be born and they were being denied that right," said Climer.
"He even told me once he'd be willing to die for that belief. That's what I hear him saying right now."

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