Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, September 14, 2009

My Favorite Teacher and Why

I have had and have many teachers in my life as well as mentors.
I was driving to work this morning and pondered this idea regarding who is the most influential person in my life.
Many different people came to mind:
Father Paul - my spiritual director at the Trappist Monastery
My Parents - Now teaching and guiding from heaven
My wife - the most spirit-filled person I know
And many different Holy and wise people.
Then it hit me.
The most influential person in my life is actually the Holy Spirit.
As I take a step back ftom the current events of my life, it is easy to see that each and every event that occurs, the Holy Spirit has a hand in it.
Every event, good or bad, has a revealing element in it. It either reveals and aspect of myself or God.
I know that we don't often realize it, but the Holy Spirit is working continuously in and around our lives attempting to help bring to light our shortcomings, and allowing insight and opportunity for growth, especially growth in virtue.
So it really doesn't matter if it is:
the patients who walk into my office each day,
people I meet on the street,
unexpected positive and negative encounters with others,
or the people that I see each and every day of my life,
these are all components to the holy spirit trying to work in my life as my mentor and ultimate teacher.
There isn't a day that goes by that if we are cognisant of the workings of the Holy Spirit, we cannot help but see His workings.
His methods are not always pleasant, sometimes even downright painful, but the end result is always the same:
opportunity to see life a little more clearly,
to gain additional grace,
to grow in virtue,
accept our imperfections,
identify our weaknesses,
and to travel the journey toward holiness.

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