How many of you have really sat down and thought about what your goals are in life?
If you don't have a specific goal, how do you know what direction you are going?
Are you progressing toward your goals, or are you fading away from them?

What do you dream about?
Is it Wealth? Is it Possessions? Is it Relationships?

Or is your appearance your priority in life?
As we all know, Goals, especially significant accomplishments are not easy to obtain. If they were, we would already have accomplished or obtained them.
I have a quick question for you.
As you have been hopefully pondering the idea of personal goals, did you think about God, Holiness, or Service to others?

I think as we age, it is very common that our goals change. When we are young, especially if we are exposed to the secular media (i.e TV, Radio, Internet Sites, Magazines, etc) we probably have included Money, Fame, Status, Possessions, and Sex as our Goals in life.
However, as we mature, and spiritual grow, Possessions, Status, and Wealth begin to take on less importance, especially when we begin to realize that all of those things are actually left behind in this world and they really have little worth in the grand picture.
For some of us, it isn't until we acquire some of the aforementioned goals in life that we realize that they actually provide little satisfaction, not even close to what we assumed they would. But if anyone would of tried to tell us otherwise, prior to obtaining the goal, we would of never of believed them.
So what are the Goals that actually will provide the ultimate satisfaction.
This is a question that might need to be uniquely answered by each one of us.
For me, Friends, Love, and Peace are probably at the top of my list. Also having a purpose in life is significant for me.
And get this, gaining some of my previous goals (money, possessions, and status) actually prevented me from acquiring what I now see as the ultimate destination and worthy goal:
1. Good and loyal Friends
2. Being Loved and Being able to share Love with others
3. Experiencing Peace
So how do we design a plan to obtain the gaols that we desire?
I believe that God began to reveal himself to us through the prophets, gave us the Ten commandments, and even made covenants with us, all to help us find and acquire the goals that are worth obtaining. but did we listen?
No, so Jesus humbled himself and took on the flesh of humanity and showed us the way. We were even given the Bible and the Catholic Church to help guide us.
But do we use the teachings of Christ? Do we truly live the Christian life? Do we follow the Ten Commandments? Do we belong to and subscribe to the tenets of the Catholic Church (Christ's Church)?
If your goals are to acquire worldly things, then your road map for success will be found in the world.
But if your goals are to acquire Heavenly things, your road map can be found in the Catholic faith, in a relationship with Christ, unselfishly serving others, and living a life that includes faithfully using the Sacraments.
It really is easy, so what is getting in the way?
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