Deacon Pat's Books

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Friday, April 30, 2010

My Daughter (Mackenzie) is 14 years Old Today!

Dad and Mackenzie 1996

Today at 9:40 am it was the anniversary of my daughter's birth, 14 years ago. 

She was born with an abundance of bright red hair and we soon found out that she also possessed a fiery personality as well.

She is the youngest of our Children, but not lacking in gifts and personality. 

When she attended traditional school (has been home-schooled for years now) but when in traditional school, and when she took those National Standardized Tests, you know, those tests they take each year and then come back with statistical results of how you child placed in the state and the nation in relation to other kids. 

Mackenzie's scores were always in the National 99 percentile in all categories. She has been gifted by God with a brilliant and creative mind and we see that everyday. 

She has a natural ability in the arts: Singing, dancing, drama, music, etc., as well as an abundance of  creativity in cooking, sewing, photography, computers, etc....

She is capable of being and becoming anything she desires. She is well liked by any and everyone she meets and has an innate quality in her that is holy and pure.....

She is so very special and I just wanted to share this with you on this very special day!

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Many Happy Returns.

God bless her. God bless you and your whole family too.