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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Father / Daughter Night Out!

I, with a little insight from my beautiful wife, decided that Fathers should periodically take their daughters out on  a date to show them and teach them how they should be treated when they become of appropriate age to date. So we planned a date night for Friday night, just Dad and daughter. I arrived home at 5pm with flowers, teaching her that any man wishing her company should never arrive empty handed. The size and the item doesn't matter, but the gesture sure does.

I changed my clothes, teaching her that making the effort to look nice on a date reflects the importance of making a good impression and also showing her that she is worth cleaning up for.

Men should always open and close doors for ladies, if a man doesn't show this respect, what does that say about him? About how he respects and feels about her?

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered a nice meal. 
I reminded her that a lady should never be expected to pay for anything on a date. She is the guest.

And desserts are important.

We had some free time before the play, so we drove to the sundial bridge for a nice walk.

It was a beautiful evening as the sun began to set and the fishermen were enjoying the peaceful river.

Dad on the bridge.

There are beautiful gardens along the river.

Mackenzie Clare

She said "Enough pictures Dad!"

We arrived at the playhouse just in time to relax for a few minutes before the crowds arrived.

Dad and Daughter

The play was a comedy.

The playhouse is a small but neat community playhouse.

And the play began....

After the play, we stopped off for a little treat.

Frozen Yogurt and you choose the toppings.

I like a little yogurt with all the candy and Chocolate.

Mackenzie had to add some healthy fruit, that is just wrong!

All in all, we had a special and wonderful evening together. We laughed, we visited, we enjoyed each others company, and I was able to show her just how special of a lady she is, and just how a man, any man should treat her.....

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