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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kearns, Kearns, and Kearns

We set out this morning, my son Sean, my brother Dan, and I
to climb Shasta Bally Mountain this morning.

There is something so very special about being with your son and with your brother.....

My son Sean! Yes we have the same boots.

My brother Dan, he is so very special......(No Not Retarded) Just unique!

After the 8 mile hike.... 5 1/2 hours... 3000 foot climb! 2 miles of hiking in the snow. You guys are the best!

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What an excellent and lovely video.

I admire and envy your stamina. I got tired after the first half-mile and could not go on.

Thank you Deacon Pat for sharing your adventures.

God bless you and yours.