My friend, Father Avram doing something that he doesn't do often, REST.Who ever said that we must be doing something or we are just wasting time? I don't know about you, but I find myself always trying to be productive. Somewhere I developed a mindset that if I have free time I should be fixing something, building something, visiting someone, planning something, etc.I find myself at times more tired after a weekend that started out being a "free weekend," than I was during the work week.As Americans, we lost the concept that pure and simple rest is as valuable as work, in the right balance. When was the last time you relaxed on a hammock, took a nap, enjoyed a siesta? In our lives that is very rare.However, who is responsible for how busy our lives are? In my case it is ME. With an active work life and a balanced rest life, everything just seems to flow better. Our thoughts are clearer, our mood is better, our outlook is more positive, we ward off heath issues better, and with rest and silence we can hear God more clearly in our lives.Does the evil one try to keep us busy? YesI once read that the Devil said that he will try to pull us away from God with temptations, but if that doesn't work, he will then try to keep us so busy with GOOD THINGS that we are distracted away from God. The evil one will take good people and make them so busy with honorable things that in their good efforts the same result is obtained, separation from God.I think about my life. I am a husband, a father, a student in the Diaconate program, I manage the nursing / clinical departments of a 99 bed psychiatric hospital, I coach youth sports, I visit prisoners each week at the Jail, I visit patients at the local medical hospital, I teach religion classes at times, I am the Chairman of the Pastoral Council at our parish, and the list goes on....., All good things, but...A very wise person once told me that every time you say YES to something (like coaching, or being on a committee), you are also saying NO to something (like time with your wife, children, etc).What truly comes first in your life, what is your God given vocation? Are you saying yes to the right things and are you also saying no to the right things?The devil knows our weaknesses, although sometimes a weakness could be wanting to help and serve, if it takes you away from your primary vocation, it has taken you away from your God given purpose.Balance in life is everything. I am going to try to allow, no, schedule, more rest time in order to keep everything else functioning better in my life.God's peace,Pat
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