Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What Is Your Dream For Your Child?

Do you ever have the thought about what kind of a person will your child turn out to be? If you are a parent I'm sure you have only had that thought 1 million 3 hundred sixty-six times. Well, you get the point.I guess I want for my children the same thing that I want for my wife and ultimately for myself. A life with a close friendship with the Lord and to possess peace. Anything else is just frosting, or on a more serious note, many times having much more can cause serious problems.I had someone very close to me, a person who I love very much, a relative, say to me recently, "The more things you have in life, the more you worry about losing them."
So what is the point of working to exhaustion, saving every penny you earn for retirement, always looking for that great investment, only to be worried, unsettled, and without peace.
Sure it makes sense to be a little moderate, not overly conservative, and also to avoid being the ultimate free spirit, but where do you consider the middle, where do you consider being balanced?
So where am I going with this, I'm not sure, it's after 10 pm and I thought I would release a few thoughts.
Oh yes, back to the initial thought, our dreams and hope for our children. Well the best answer for me at this time would have to be rooted in line with my faith. I want for my children what God would want for his children. I want my children to live their lives each day, asking for help and direction from the Lord, continually increasing their awareness and knowledge of God, becoming more united with Him each day through their relationships, trials, work, and celebrations, touching people each day with a Christian heart, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely through them, continually transforming them and others, until the day that they are swept into the loving arms of our creator.
What they do for a living really isn't relevant, their spirit, soul, peace of mind, and faith is everything.
Isn't that also true for us......
Good Night and God's peace,Pat

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