Lets not forget what evil can do to a people and to a nation. But lets also not forget what people are called to do during time of crisis and need. The American people came together in support of each other, true heros were exposed, people rose to the need and served each other.
Why did this type of behavior, this charity have to fade?
We might not face an overt attack today, but do not hold a false sense of security. Plans are being constantly made to attack us. Do not let down you guard, evil lurks around us.
All evil needs is for good men to do nothing, then evil can prevail.
We ask for consolation and comfort for their family and relatives, burdened by pain; we invoke strength and courage for the many who continue their work in the places struck by this terrible disaster; we implore for tenacity and perseverence by all men of goodwill continuing on the paths of justice and peace.May the Lord remove from the heart of man every trace of resentment, of hostility and of hate, and open him to reconciliation, to solidarity, and to peace. Let us pray, so that the "culture of love" may be established all over the world . . .
O God, Almighty and Merciful Father, he who sows discord cannot understand You; he who loves violence cannot welcome You: watch over us in our painful human condition tried by the brutal acts of terrorism and death.Comfort your children and open our hearts to hope, that our time may again know days of serenity and peace, through Christ our Lord.
-- Pope John Paul II, October 11, 2001
O God, Almighty and Merciful Father, he who sows discord cannot understand You; he who loves violence cannot welcome You: watch over us in our painful human condition tried by the brutal acts of terrorism and death.Comfort your children and open our hearts to hope, that our time may again know days of serenity and peace, through Christ our Lord.
-- Pope John Paul II, October 11, 2001
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