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Thursday, November 27, 2008

We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving Today. (Learning, Living, and Witnessing Thanksgiving)

Liz and I are heading on a 2 hour car ride to spend time with our families. Today is a day, not unlike others, but a day to especially appreciate what God has given us, most especially the people in our lives.
I received an e-mail from a Priest, Father Santan Pinto through the Disciples of Jesus and Mary (DJM's) who couldn't of said it better, he writes as follows:
Learning, living and witnessing thanksgiving.

Nobody can teach you to be happy and be satisfied with little things. I know of many people who are dissatisfied even though they have everything that they desire or think of. So it is important to find out what is it that truly satisfies us.

It is important that we make the Lord the treasure of our lives. The more we desire Him and seek Him the more we loose interest in the things of this world. If we happen to get entangled with these passing fantasies the dissatisfaction makes us reconsider our choices. We soon realize that we have strayed from the Shepherd....

When you pray you should make a constant effort to become positive, keep hope alive in your heart and encourage others by first encouraging in your self. You must realize that God is truly present in your life and that by trusting in Him you can do all things.

Often I have seen children and people all over the world happy and content. There is something beyond food, clothing and other amenities in life. It is important that you find that something.

Living thanksgiving is keeping your focus on goodness. You start believing that you are a good person and that you want to live a life of thanks. If you are a grateful person you will surrounded by many friends. People look for those who have a positive attitude in life. You must learn to believe in your self first and then you will believe in others.

You witness thanksgiving to others by how easily you are served by them. You are always being grateful to God and those who come into your life. You witness to the providence of God and you are not anxious when you lack things. Your trust in God enables you to thank God for every thing. The attitude of gratitude is something that needs to be learnt. The more one used gratitude the more one becomes accustomed to seeing goodness everywhere.

Giving thanks for all the gifts, blessings, love and care that other have shown you and continue to share with you.

Try to make a daily habit to be grateful and appreciative to all those who serve you in some way.....

Keeping your focus on the good things others do for you enables you to refrain from grumbling, complaining, and having a critical spirit......

Being a thanksgiving yourself first and foremost to self and then encouraging others to become a thanksgiving to themselves and others.

Lastly it is of great benefit to become a hymn of thanksgiving personally. Refrain from criticism, judgment, hasty words, harsh talks, and comparisons. Remember that to most of the people in the world, your presence is a thanksgiving.
Once I had an encounter with a poor man that I met on the street. I asked him, “Is there something I can do to serve you?” He looked astounded with such a request. He hesitated and said, “Can you spend an hour with me?” I said yes and spent that hour talking and sharing. As I was leaving he said to me, “Thank you for your presence, it gave me new hope and a new boost of life. Your presence here was the best thanksgiving I could ever have in life....

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As many of us venture out, or prepare for the arriving of guest, lets all remember that our greatest gift is our presence.

Lets love each other, listen to each other, and share in each others lives.

The feeling of belonging and being loved cannot be replaced by anything.

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