Deacon Pat's Books

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

What a "Great" Thanksgiving Day - It's all about Family!

I am often reminded that the best things in life are not possessions but are events and experiences.
We made two stops today to visit family.
We initially stopped at Liz's Mom's house and had a great meal and visit.
Then we ventured over to my brother Terry's house for a second meal and visited.
We broke out the instruments and we sang, enjoyed music, laughed, joked, and had probably the best Thanksgiving ever.
It was all about family, Friends and Loving each other.
Liz showing us her great singing voice - watch out Britney..... Who is Britney?

Sean teaching his cousin Matthew a new song "Wild Thing."

Check them out, click on the play button, not too bad.

Tim and Sean Getting Down with the new amplifier and equipment.

Tim entertained us, he has a beautiful voice.

Mackenzie on the piano, Go girl.

We had sooooooooo Much fun

Tim is really talented.

Earlier in the day we stopped by Liz's mom's house and had our first of two dinners.
It was great seeing and spending time with her.

Sisters: Jeneah and Mackenzie

Jeneah and her "Boyfriend" Sam, OK just kidding Mack, OK just kidding Peter......
OK just kidding "Andrew"
The Kids, Sean, Jeneah, and Mackenzie

The family

Jeneah and Philip, Just kidding Andrew!

Chow down Kids!

We are stuffed, but not too stuffed for pie.

Your 4th piece of pie Sean!

Eating again.

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