Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Joyful Servant

After Mass this morning, I was greeting the parishioners as they were leaving the Church and this latino woman walks up to me from across the room just beaming with the most beautiful smile and states:
"I haven't been able to do much for the parish for a while, but I now have my new leg and now I am able to serve the parish, I will be able to help."
Her smile just radiated and filled the room, there was a presence of such holiness.
Her humble demeanor and sincere desire to serve, to give to others without regard to her own disability, without regard for her own desires or needs, was prophetic beyond imagination.
She put the Gospel into words, True Happiness and Joy does not come from receiving, but from giving and serving.
I experienced a little bit of heaven today and wanted to share it with you......

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