Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mass Intercessions (Prayers of the Faithful) February 22, 2009 - 7th Week of Ordinary Time

We pray for the world, that the resources can be used wisely
and shared without greed and selfishness.
We pray to the Lord

We pray for the church, that the leaders and servants always promote Christ’s teachings, never stray from the guidance of the Magisterium, and heroically speak the truth to the world.
We pray to the Lord

We pray for our Nation, that the leaders and people support programs that uphold the values of Subsidiarity, and the common good, yet never lose site, nor forget that the dignity of the human, each human, must be at the center of everything.

We pray to the Lord

We pray for those in our community, that we all participate in building up the community, especially our catholic community, by giving the necessary assistance, physical and emotional, to those who struggle and find resistance in achieving their full and complete human potential.

We pray to the Lord

We pray for those who serve us, and our country, through their unselfish service in the military. We pray that they will grow ever closer to our Lord and that they will feel Jesus’s presence, especially in their greatest time on need.

We pray to the Lord

We pray for those who have died, that their time in purgatory be brief, and that they promptly join the Communion of Saints and experience God’s unending Joy, Love, and Peace.
We Pray to the Lord

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