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Friday, February 27, 2009

Stations of the Cross - Celebrated On Fridays In Lent

The Stations of the Cross is a popular devotion used by individuals or groups who wish through prayer and reflection to follow Jesus Christ on his way to Calvary.

Many Christians practice the devotion, but the Stations holds a special significance among Roman Catholics. It is one of the most important devotions honoring the passion of Jesus.
What matters most in the Stations of the Cross is to follow Jesus Christ in his passion and to see ourselves mirrored in him. To face life's dark side in ourselves and in our world,
we need images of hope, and Jesus offers images of hope in his passion.
By accompanying him on the Way of the Cross, we gain his courageous patience
and learn to trust in God who delivers us from evil.

Click Here to see one example of the Stations of the Cross
with the associated prayers

I: Jesus is condemned to death

II: Jesus Is Given His Cross

III: Jesus Falls The First Time

IV: Jesus Meets His Mother

V: Simon of Cyrene Carries The Cross

VI: Veronica Wipes Jesus' Face With Her Veil

VII: Jesus Falls The Second Time

VIII: Jesus Meets The Daughters of Jerusalem

IX: Jesus Falls The Third Time

X: Jesus Is Stripped Of His Garments

XI: Crucifixion: Jesus Nailed To The Cross

XII: Jesus Dies On The Cross

XIII: Jesus' Body Is Removed From The Cross (Deposition or Lamentation)

XIV: Jesus Is Laid In The Tomb And Covered In Incense

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