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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Are You Stagnant?

Are you stagnant in your life?
Do you have a feeling that there must be more than this?
God did not create us to live mundane lives.
The world around us is beautiful and was created for us to enjoy, to experience, and to discover.

It is so easy to settle into a routine job, and routine life, have routine friends, and attempt to convince yourself that "I have a good life."
But the reality is that many of us have stopped growing in life due to our fears of losing what we have. So many of us would love a new experience but feel that if I leave the security of my job and community I might not be able to replace it something as good.
With this mentality we become stagnant.
When we become stagnant in life our spiritual life becomes stagnant as well.
Life is about adventure, continually exploring and gaining further understanding through experiences.

There is so much out there undiscovered by our senses awaiting our embrace.
As Christians we are all on a journey and are pilgrims.
But if we are pilgrims that must mean we are on pilgrimages.
Where are we going? that is to be determined, but the real question is "Are we going?"
Are we journeying....or are we stagnant?

Being on a journey does mean taking risks from time to time, but it also requires having faith and confidence that God will lead us and care for us along the way.
There has been a concept floating for decades that ones is to secure a good job and then stay at that job until retirement.
I have met so many people who have a good job and they are really burned out to some degree but would never think of leaving due to their retirement.
I think they are letting their fear dictate their life. They have already begun a retirement process even though they have 10-20 more years to work.
Their spirit is slowly dying and why? FEAR!
I don't believe that God would desire us to stay in jobs or cities that keep us only marginally happy and periodically stimulated......
I don't think God cares so much about retirement!
I think he cares about today.
For so many of us, tomorrow will look nothing like what we think it will look like.
I continue to meet people, almost everyday or at least every week, that have had their lives turned upside down due to tragedy or illness.
I have never heard once from any of them that they are so happy that they had the same job for 20 years, or that they wished they had more possessions. They all say that they wished they experienced more, embraced life more, yet now it is too late for them, they have begun the separation process and this newly acquired insight is not a possibility.
Their lives became evident through this abrupt experience that life is short, much shorter than most realize, and that if the focus in life becomes ultimately for planning for the future, one truly looses the ability to live in the present.

Life is not about possessions, power, or prestige.
Life is about love, service to your fellow man, praise of our creator, adventure, new beginnings, discovery, participating in the creation process and raising and educating christian children, and embracing life.
It is time to embrace this world that God has given us, to love life, and to see the beauty in the people and places that surround us, and explore the vastness of possibilities.

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