Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

5 hours of yard work and a disaster

Once the rains subsided and spring came everyone hit their yards for summer preparation.
That meant mowing and most important of all "Round-up" to kill all the weeds.
We were tricked......
After a brief hot spell of 100 degree weather we were hit with many days of rain that fueled weeds like you would not believe.
So today I tackled the weeds.
We live on only 1 acre but the weeds were everywhere and in many places they were over 2 feet tall.

I mowed

I used the weed eater.

I even used the contraption that looks like a mower but really is a high-tech weed whacker....

I was almost done after 4 1/2 hours and when I looked up - what did I see?

My truck window!!!!!!

I don't know how I did it, but I did it.....
I received an e-mail the other day from a man who stated that he just loved reading my blog. He said there are a great number of excellent spiritual blogs to choose from, but he loved mine for a special reason.
He stated that when he is feeling a little low, or at times when he finds himself feeling like a failure, he visits my blog, and looks at my life, and all the sudden he feels a lot better about his life......
It reminds me of a piece of advice that a priest once gave me.
He stated that if you are ever feeling a little down about your self, go visit Walmart and just walk around.
He stated that as you walk around, look at the other people in the store and just remind yourself the following:
1. I am the best looking guy here
2. and the richest
At first I laughed when I heard the joke, but then realized, I go the Walmart often......
So what does that really mean for me?

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