Started sliding the man hole cover back this morning.....finally confident enough to peek out over the edge. Not sure where I went this past....well, gosh, over a week I see since I last wrote.
I would be overstating it if I said I went to Hell for a while. As you probably know by now, I can always find a way to envision anything being better than it could be...... So I don't think I made it to Hell. I think that destination should be reserved for those who really suffer.
But I know I went way past Heck. Is there a place called Helk? Pretty sure I went to Helk.
Today is the last day of week 5. Week 5!
Seems so long ago I couldn't see the end of September and now we are almost there. The time is flying. And its not. This past week I swear all clocks seemed stalled on whatever time it was at that moment. Was I dreaming? Does Helk suspend time while breathing its metallic tasting air? (more on that another time, but how can everything taste like metal?!)
I don't know but for the first time in my life, I really did just look forward to the next hour coming and going....and coming and going...... (see, another first on my new list...)
As bad as it got, it was so easy to remember how lucky I was though because I had hope....so many don't. I know this is temporary. I know I will get better. I know this will be but a memory at some point and I will still have a wonderful, God Blessed life, with far more than I will ever deserve. How many people have no hope? How many struggle with challenges that are not temporary? Please forgive me if so often I gravitate back to this mindset, but please....please..... take inventory of all you have to be thankful for. I promise you the list is long.
Every little aspect is important, don't gloss over those....and when you spend a few moments each day, and I hope you do, reflecting on just how lucky we all are..... how can any of us not be just a little happier? And hopefully appreciative.
Thanks so much to everyone who have continually walked by my side through this journey.
I feel your presence, I really do.
We are getting closer.
Please enjoy your weekend. Appreciate those who love you, your friends, they really are a blessing. So are you. Be kind to someone.
Ok, radiation time......and then week 5 is in the can!!
My Brother's Blog (Kevin Beats Cancer)
1 comment:
Love you guys!!
Standing in confident faith with you!!
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