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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

My Brother Kevin's Final Chemo Treatment

One milestone reached today. Final chemo. well, its underway as I type. I am hoping that after the first two encounters with punk chemo, that maybe we can part ways with a little more civility this time. I am definitely willing....just not so sure he is. We'll see over the next few days I guess. He might be a little more cooperative if he was on his own, but since he also has to get radiation to buy in on the kinder, gentler approach, I am thinking probably not.

Click here to read the rest of the post on Kev's Blog


Joan and Paul Seibert said...

Kevin, We wish you the best. You WILL beat this...you are a KEARNS

Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have each other to be there to comfort. I sat with Joan during chemo too. We had some awesome conversations during difficult times. Kevin so many people are pulling and praying for you. Kisses and hugs alllllll the way from your MI family. If you feel like keeping in touch you can reach me @ buckneum1@aol.com

Love, Vicky

Christine said...

I will be praying for Kevin!