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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Vigil Mass - 2009

We celebrated the Vigil Mass at 5pm which is traditionally "The Children's Mass."

Deacon Everett, Father Uriel, Deacon Pat (me)

We had over 1000 people show up for mass.
Every seat was filled and there were many standing outside the doors of the church watching from a far.

Opening Prayer

We had Beautiful Singers in the Choir.

Reading of the Scriptures.

Deacon Everett processing to the Ambo with the Book of the Gospels.

Introduction to the holy proclamation of the Gospel (The word of God).

However, instead of having a Deacon Proclaim the Gospel, the children performed a dramatization of the Gospel reading.

Many different children participated in the Gospel.

The Kids performed very well.

There was such an innocence and sweetness from the children.

Awaiting the Wise Men.

One of the Kings.
After the children's presentation, I have the humble privilege of giving the homily. I couldn't help but think that there were many people in the congregation that don't regularly come to mass and was hoping that God's graced touched them tonight to return completely to the church.
Awaiting the presentation of the gifts.
Presenting the baby Jesus as a reminder of the holiness of the night.

Placing the baby Jesus in the manger.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist.

The holiest part of the Mass.

Offering the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We had so many people we didn't know what to do. We prepared and Father consecrated 1000 hosts but it was apparent very early that we were going to run out, so we began to break them in 1/2 and in the end, Deacon Everette was even breaking them into quarters.
What a wonderful problem..... to have so many people show up for mass that you were not prepared for them.

1 comment:

Deacon Jimmy said...

It is amazing to see at Christmas the amount of people who come to the liturgy. Our parish has what we call 'the spillover' mass. The vigil starts in church at 4pm and the spillover at 4:05pm in the gym which will hold about 1000. All in all we probably had 1600 people for those 2 masses alone! The 6pm mass was around 500 and midnight mass was around 350 from what I heard.
But aside from the multitude, the atmosphere was great!Everyone walking up and greeting you with Merry Christmas. Being an acolyte in an alb, I get everything from Merry Christmas Father to Merry Christmas Deacon. I don't try to stop them and say "not a Deacon yet" or "I'm not a priest", I just smile and bid them a Merry and Blessed Christmas. One year left til ordination, so this was my last Christmas as a lay person and I took it all in!
What a glorious evening! I pray it were that way every Sunday!

God Bless you and yours Deacon Pat.