Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Mountain Adventure

We decided after two weeks of daily obligations with the church, family, friends, and work, we needed some relaxation. So we woke up at the crack of dawn and head up the mountain.

In no time we were at the Mount Shasta Ski Park.

We dropped Sean and his friend Joey off at the park.

Off they went.

Slapped on their boards.

And they were set for the day.

My brother Dan said "I have a hunger this big - I forgot my frosted flakes this morning."

A quick trip to the snack bar could fix this problem.

Oh - my belly feels good now.

With hunger pains relieved, Dan and I jumped back into the truck to head to a special place.

Twenty minutes later and at the end of the road we were there.

We made it to Bunny Flats, entrance to the path to the summit 14,000 feet (Mount Shasta).

Time for the adventure.

I strapped the snow shoes on Dan for his first time and told him that I had something to show him.

Grabbed my equipment and off we went up the mountain.

Dan said "Hey this looks a little deep!"

"just walk lightly....."

That looks like animal tracks, lets be trackers and find the animal.

Dan said "I have seen tracks like those before."

"Is this 911 - I've located a spotted owl track, can you notify the Sierra Club, PETA, and Green Peace, maybe Yule Gibbins."

After Dan's public service phone call, we head into uncharted virgin territory.

Ooooops, I've fallen and can't get up, get the rope, we might need a helicopter rescue!

Maybe some water might help!

Dan..... you drank it all, we still have 2 1/2 hours to go.

I forgive you Dan, I brought another water bottle.

What a beautiful day, walking for hours with no one else in sight, just my brother and I, visiting, joking, talking about life, and taking in God's beautiful creation.

Every once in a while we would look back just to take it all in.

Then Dan asked me "Do you know where you are going?"

So I answered "Not really, but isn't this FUN!"

I was so impressed with Dan. It was his first time snow shoeing and we hiked over 5 miles, climbed over 1000 feet, and he was a trooper.

3 hours later, we were back at the truck, threw our gear in the bed, ate some delicious ham sandwiches, and called it a day.

1 comment:

cascade_catholic said...

Oh Deacon dude!

I love shoe'n!

Nice pictures. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.