Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dad and Kids on the Mountain

I worked my second job until noon today and then I grabbed the kids (Sean and Mackenzie) and quickly drive up the mountain to spend a few hours Skiing / Boarding.

It was a nice day and the snow season is almost over, so we try to not miss a chance to enjoy the snow; it will be gone soon.

Here is Mackenzie on top of Mount Shasta, Boarding down the slope.

She has just learned how to Board.

She experienced a few major wrecks today, but she is still persistent in learning. Sean and I are following after her.......

We Love you Mackenzie (Koots)

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Go Mac! You're doing awesome! And to make you feel even better, you're doing about 1,000,000,000,000 times better at it then I am! =) Talk to everyone later